My mission is to bridge the gap between research and practice, ensuring middle and high school students harness their full literacy and learning potential.
I am dedicated to realizing this vision through my teaching, instructional leadership, and rigorous research. My active involvement in research-practice collaborations underscores my commitment to uniting diverse stakeholders in addressing educational inequities and supporting diverse learners.
My mission is to bridge the gap between research and practice, ensuring middle and high school students harness their full literacy and learning potential.
I am dedicated to realizing this vision through my teaching, instructional leadership, and rigorous research. My active involvement in research-practice collaborations underscores my commitment to uniting diverse stakeholders in addressing educational inequities and supporting diverse learners.
Yang, J., Lawrence, J. F., & Grøver, V. (2024). What else will I do when I start school? Preschoolers’ wh-questions in dinnertime conversations and their language development. First Language, 44(3), 301–323.
Knoph, R.E., Lawrence, J. F., & Francis, D. J. (2024). The dimensionality of lexical features in general, academic, and disciplinary vocabulary. Scientific Studies of Reading: The Official Journal of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, 28(2), 142–166.
Lawrence, J. F., & Thorbjørnsen, J. M. (2022). Leseforståelse i skolen: Å utvikle elevers kritiske tenkning gjennom lesing, argumentasjon og debatt. In V. Grøver I. Bråten (Eds.), Leseforståelse i skolen: Utfordringer og muligheter (pp. 130-142). Oslo, Norway: Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
Hagen, Å, Knoph, R., Hjetland, H.N., Rogde, K., Lawrence, J.F., Lervåg, A., Melby-Lervåg, M. (2021). Measuring Listening Comprehension and Predicting Language Development in At-Risk Preschoolers. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research (CSJE).
Lawrence, J. F., Knoph, R., McIlraith, A., Kulesz, P. A., & Francis, D. J. (2021). Reading comprehension and academic vocabulary: Exploring relations of item features and reading proficiency. Reading Research Quarterly, 57(2), 669-690.
Yang, J., Lawrence, J. F., & Grøver, V. (2022). Parental expectations and home literacy environment: A questionnaire study of Chinese-Norwegian dual language learners. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 37(1), 1-15.
If your research team, organization, school district or state wants support in thinking about best practices to support support middle and high school school literacy outcomes, please reach out!